Site Recorder: Frequently Asked Questions
What is Site Recorder
Site Recorder 4 (SR4) is mapping, recording and finds handling software for maritime, freshwater and intertidal archaeology projects. Combining versatility and flexibility with an easy to use style, this software is capable of integrating all of the information collected during a large scale excavation but is just as useful for small scale mapping and evaluation projects. Site Recorder 4 is a geographic information system (GIS), finds database, survey processing program, dive log and image management tool all rolled into one seamless program.
What kind of computer is required for Site Recorder ?
Site Recorder is designed to run on most commonly available computers. The recommended configurations is:
Windows users:
Site Recorder will run on any PC capable of running any current version of Microsoft Windows.
Macintosh users:
Site Recorder will run on an Intel Macintosh under Boot Camp and the VM software Parallels Desktop for Mac.
Linux users:
Site Recorder will also run under Linux using Ubuntu 8.10, VirtualBox, and Windows XP:
Install the closed source version of VirtualBox, not the open source version which comes with the Ubuntu repositories.
With VirtualBox installed and running activate the USB ports (see below), do this before turning on the virtual machine.
Install Site Recorder using its install program
You can find step-by-step instructions about how to install VirtualBox on Ubuntu 8.10 at:
Instructions on making Site Recorder's USB dongle work can be found here:
Can I get an academic discount on copies of Site Recorder?
Valid academic institutions can claim a discount on purchases of Site programs, see the Ordering page
How is Site Recorder protected from copying?
Site Recorder 4 is protected using a software key that connects to your computer using a USB port. The software can be installed on as many computers as you like but will only run if the software key is fitted to that computer. Administrator rights are required to install Site Recorder.
When a software key is not fitted, Site Recorder will run in Demonstration (Demo) mode and can be used for evaluation and training. Click here for more information about Demo mode.
The Site Reader program is not protected and do not require a software key.
What is Demo Mode?
Site Recorder starts up in Demonstration or Demo mode if a software key is not found on the computer or on the network server, see the Demo Mode page for more information.
How do I ensure I have the latest version of Site Recorder ?
The latest upgrades for all Site programs are available from the Downloads page.
How do I install Site Recorder ?
Instructions on installing Site Recorder can be found by clicking this link
Where Can I Get Technical Support ?
Site Recorder includes a comprehensive manual that includes tutorials to help you get started. The manual included with Site Recorder contains an introduction to the program and earlier chapters cover features that are most commonly used leaving the later chapters to cover more advanced features. Each chapter starts with an introduction, describes the properties of the object or tool and includes procedures outlining how to use it.
The manual is provided in electronic form as a PDF document as this allows easy navigation between topics as well as the use of a powerful search capability. The manual can be printed by going to the print option in the File menu. Updates to this manual are automatically installed with each upgrade to the Site program.
Click the Help button on any of the dialogs within the Site Recorder program show the manual or select Help Topics from the Help menu.
There are also a number of Technical Notes covering some of the more common questions, see below. We also provide email support for any other questions, so please send any queries on email to
Can I use Site Recorder on big projects?
There are no limits within the software to how much information can be stored, the only limits are the resources such as processor speed and memory available to your computer.
Who uses Site Recorder
Site Recorder is in use in more than 23 countries and has been used on some of the premier projects in recent years, see the Projects page.
Using Site Recorder
How can I get started?
Detailed instructions on how to get up and running with the program can be found on the Getting Started page and a description of the program can be found in Technical Note 1
How do I add pictures to the Chart?
The procedures for adding pictures such as charts and sidescan sonar mosaics to the chart can be found in Technical Note 2
How do I process 3D Trilateration survey measurements?
The procedure for adding survey points and processing 3D trilateration measurements is described in Technical Note 3
How do I Import from a spreadsheet file?
The procedure for importing data from spreadsheet files (Excel, CSV) is described in Technical Note 4
How do I publish Site files on the Web or in a Web GIS?
Publication of digital archives on the Web or via a Web GIS is described in Technical Note 5
How do I link pictures to Artefacts, Wrecks, Targets and other objects?
Linking Pictures to Artefacts, Targets, Wrecks and Other Objects is covered by Technical Note 6